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Humanitarian Outreach

Humanitarian Outreach to Refugees

Mission Eurasia's "I Care" Refugee Assistance Program provides for the most urgent physical and spiritual needs of refugees displaced by war, regional conflict, and other disasters in the countries of Eurasia.

Currently, we are assisting those affected by the ongoing war in eastern Ukraine where tens of thousands of people remain trapped in bombed-out villages in the war zone without natural gas, hot water, food, or basic necessities. Struggling to survive in these desperate circumstances, nearly five million Ukrainians have been displaced within the country by the conflict that continues to devastate the nation.

Through "I Care," Mission Eurasia's Christian leaders and other ministry partners seek to be the hands and feet of Jesus to those devastated by these conflicts, regularly delivering Bibles and Scripture resources, food packs, clothing, and other life-saving relief aid.

Refugees and Displaced people need your help today.

Provide for the most urgent physical and spiritual needs of refugees displaced by war, regional conflicts, and other disasters. Deliver Bibles, food, and clothing to the hurting and lost in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, and Ukraine.
Donate today and help refugees and displaced people who desperately need your help!

Wood-Burning Stoves

The past eleven months have been filled with suffering and pain, death and destruction for the people of Ukraine. Russia’s invasion and brutal assault on this peaceful nation have created the worst global humanitarian disaster since World War II.

The BBC recently reported that in a period of just eight days, “thousands of towns and cities across the country have been left without power, and President Volodymyr Zelensky said Russian strikes had destroyed about 30% of Ukraine’s power stations.”

As winter cold moves in, countless thousands of families and individuals hunker down in what remains of their cities and towns. They have no heat, little access to food, medical care — or hope.

Wood-Burning Stoves Project

Families face life with no heat, little access to food, medical care — or hope. Learn how you can help provide life-giving warmth and the hope of Jesus to suffering Ukrainian families.

Help deliver life-giving warmth and the hope of Jesus to suffering Ukrainian families.

wood stoves


As Ukraine enters its third year of war, nearly 20 million people, half of the country's population, have been displaced. Many remain trapped in bombed-out villages, lacking essentials like gas, hot water, and food. Continuous attacks on power stations have left numerous communities without electricity, compounding the challenges faced by families, medical clinics, churches, and aid centers, especially with the harsh winter looming.

In response to this urgent need, Mission Eurasia's Shine the Light Initiative aims to support those suffering in Ukraine. By distributing 200 large eight-kilowatt generators, we will supply power, light, and heat to homes, community centers, and medical clinics. This effort meets physical needs and offers spiritual comfort by sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ.

You can be crucial in bringing hope and relief to at least 10,000 people affected by the ongoing conflict. Each generator, costing $1,600 CAD, will provide much-needed power and warmth and remind them that they are not forgotten. Your support will make a tangible difference in their lives.


Please consider making a gift of any amount to help us reach our goal of $350,000 CAD. Your partnership will bring hope and light to those in desperate need.

Mobile Kitchens

Millions of Ukrainians are enduring a brutal war while suffering the pain of hunger and the bitter cold of winter. They urgently need food and the good news that they have a loving Father and a place with Him in heaven.

Mission Eurasia has commissioned 20 mobile kitchens that can feed up to 300 people per day.

When Mission Eurasia’s mobile kitchen comes to a devastated Ukrainian town, word spreads like wildfire! Hot meals of rice and meat, soup and bread are graciously shared with every villager who ventures out, staring in disbelief. Yes, we are nourishing hungry bodies, but these mobile kitchens are also gathering places where hearts are thrown open to hear the Good News!

Mobile Kitchens

Please partner with Mission Eurasia now to feed the hungry—great multitudes, as Jesus did— through mobile kitchens that can feed up to 300 people per day.

Mobile Kitchens
Brother Yuri and family


To help provide permanent housing and create jobs for displaced Ukrainian families, Mission Eurasia has developed a strategic initiative for constructing duplex and quadraplex homes in the Mukachevo region of western Ukraine located far from the active war zone. Each unit is 1,600 square feet and can accommodate a family of four or five people. Our initial goal is to build 12 duplexes or six quadraplexes, which can provide permanent housing for 24 displaced Ukrainian families.

Through this strategic initiative, 24 homeless Ukrainian families, or as many as 120 people, will acquire a permanent home in the Mukachevo region of Ukraine, helping to alleviate distress in the displaced Ukrainian community.  With the wages they receive from constructing these homes, displaced Ukrainians will help pay off their homes by contributing an average of $500 per month to a fund that will be used for the construction of more housing units. Within a year, we estimate that these contributions will total approximately $144,000 ($500 per month for 24 units), which can be used to build four more units for other displaced families.

Permanent Homes & Jobs

Learn how you can help us provide urgently needed housing and jobs for displaced Ukrainian families who have fled their destroyed homes in the war zone.


To help provide urgent temporary housing and create jobs for displaced Ukrainian families, Mission Eurasia has developed a strategic initiative for installing modular homes in the Chernivtsi region of western Ukraine where one of our iCare refugee assistance centers is located, far from the active war zone. These modular homes will be installed at the site of a former Soviet Pioneer Youth campground on free land provided by the government with utilities already installed. Mission Eurasia volunteers are working to clean the site and turn it into a community where displaced families will have privacy and safety.

Through this strategic initiative, many displaced, homeless Ukrainian families will have urgent temporary housing in the Chernivtsi region of Ukraine for up to six months, while they look for more permanent housing. Displaced Ukrainians will help install these modular homes, providing jobs and a source of income for them. Once ten modular homes are built, a small church will also be built on-site where children and families will be exposed to the gospel and where ministry will be carried out. This initiative will help to alleviate the urgent need for temporary housing among homeless Ukrainian families, will create jobs, and will help provide spiritual support for the displaced Ukrainian community.

Temporary Housing for the Homeless.

Learn more about how we are helping provide modular homes and jobs for Ukrainian refugee families who have fled the war zone.

Andrei's family
Bread of life bakery

Bread of Life Bakeries for Displaced Ukrainian Families

Mission Eurasia initiated the Bread of Life bakery project in 2016 in eastern Ukraine to provide physical and spiritual nourishment to those affected by the 2014 Russian invasion. The project has since expanded to other regions of Ukraine, Armenia, Moldova, and Tajikistan, providing essential nourishment and support, creating jobs for the unemployed, and contributing to local economies.

As the conflict in Ukraine persists, Mission Eurasia is urgently aiming to establish five new Bread of Life bakeries in areas where the need is most critical. Each bakery, a lifeline, will be capable of producing 1,000 loaves of bread daily, providing immediate nourishment and hope to displaced families, along with copies of Scripture and the gospel message. Additionally, these bakeries will offer employment opportunities for 5-10 displaced residents, aiding them in sustaining their families during this time of war.

The impact of each Bread of Life bakery will be substantial, reaching up to 1,000 displaced Ukrainian families daily or as many as 360,000 families annually. Each family will receive a loaf of bread, a copy of Scripture, and the opportunity to hear the gospel message while being connected to a local church for ongoing support and follow-up. Furthermore, each bakery will contribute to the employment of residents, thereby providing them with a regular source of income amidst the ongoing conflict.

Support Ukrainian Families in Need with Bread of Life Bakeries

Your partnership in providing Bread of Life bakeries for displaced Ukrainian families will help deliver long-term physical and spiritual nourishment to those most in need. Your donation will significantly impact the lives of those affected by the war in Ukraine.

Please consider donating today to support this life-sustaining initiative for the people of Ukraine.

Mobile Medical Clinics

During more than one year of war, the traumatized Ukrainian people have endured many hardships. Still, the lack of medical care and medicines—even simple painkillers and medications for chronic conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes—has dramatically increased their suffering. Also, hospitals and clinics in many towns and villages across the country have been destroyed, leaving few places to treat the sick and wounded.

That’s why Mission Eurasia is launching a new initiative that will provide Mobile Medical Clinics for the suffering people of Ukraine who have little or no access to medical care and hope for the future.

Each Mobile Medical Clinic is a refurbished vehicle equipped with an exam room, medical equipment, medical supplies, and a generator where two medical personnel can serve as many as 50 patients daily, five days a week.

The cost to purchase, refurbish, and equip each Mobile Medical Clinic is $47,500 CAD. Ten mobile medical clinics will deliver medical care right to places near the front line and in shelters where people suffer the most.

Mobile Medical Clinics

Join us in delivering vital medical care and the hope of the gospel to those suffering in Ukraine's war by supporting Mobile Medical Clinics today. Your prayers and contributions make a life-saving difference.

Mobile medical clinics

iCare-Ukraine Emergency Response Report

Wood-Burning Stoves for Ukraine