Coats and Blankets for Kids
Help suffering refugee children this winter. Your gift helps provide life-saving blankets and warm clothes while sharing the love of God.
Since the start of the war, more than 21 million Ukrainians have been forced from their homes.
Half of those who are hurting, uprooted, and traumatized are children. These difficult days have been filled with fear, hunger, and suffering for children who have lost their homes and are separated from fathers who picked up arms to defend their homeland.
War began in late winter. People were leaving and grabbing all that they could, but most could only take the clothes on their backs. Homes and villages were destroyed as the war escalated, making it impossible to return. Now, harsh winter weather is coming again and people don’t have warm clothes—or income to purchase them. The BBC reports that 30% of all energy stations within Ukraine have been destroyed, meaning that very little heat will be available this winter for displaced families and their vulnerable children.
For little children who have already suffered so much deprivation caused by the war, the long winter months ahead hold even greater misery, and perhaps sickness and death.
Mission Eurasia is spearheading a distribution effort to provide emergency winter gear for children that includes a blanket, warm coat, hat, and mittens. Each kit will also include a children’s Bible or Christian literature so, in addition to warming their bodies, we are filling their hearts and souls with God’s love. Stepping out in faith, Mission Eurasia is actively purchasing and delivering items to children in shelters, half-destroyed homes, refugee assistance centers, and temporary shelters where they live. But the need is huge and financial support of many friends is needed immediately.
The cost to provide one set of emergency winter gear for a child is $75.
Our immediate goal is to distribute 5,000 sets of clothes plus Scripture to displaced or Ukrainian refugee children. We ask your support now to raise $375,000.
On behalf of the hurting children who will be comforted — and perhaps survive because of your generosity — thank you for your consideration of this request and for your continued partnership in ministry with Mission Eurasia!
Single Designation Form (2021)
“At the Polanka border crossing in Moldova, I was holding the tiny hand of a five-year-old boy, Sammy, who, along with his mother, Nina, and little brother, Leo, had just stepped out of their homeland, Ukraine. Sammy’s other hand was tightly gripping his favorite blanket—it was the only thing he could bring with him when his family fled from their home. The little boy stared at the long lines of exhausted refugees passing through the gate, dragging their bags and suitcases. Then I heard him ask his mother, “Mama, please tell me when daddy is coming. Please, can you tell me? When is Daddy going to come?” His brave mother choked back her tears and said, “Soon, Son, soon...” I don’t know when Sammy will see his daddy again, but I can tell you that Sammy and his family are safe and being cared for by our selfless staff and volunteers at our Refugee Assistance Center in Moldova.
“As I was saying goodbye to little Sammy, I promised him that Mission Eurasia would do everything and anything possible to make his life—and the life of the hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians who are running from this terrible war—at least a little easier. Lord, please help us to keep that promise.”
— Sergey Rakhuba, President of Mission Eurasia
COST The cost to provide one set of emergency winter gear for a child is $75. Our immediate goal is to distribute 5,000 sets of clothes plus Scripture to displaced or Ukrainian refugee children. We ask your support now to raise $375,000.
REQUEST Each warm blanket and set of emergency winter clothes we deliver to a desperate parent and suffering child is a gift from Jesus that is gratefully received and never forgotten. While warm clothes bring comfort and preserve physical health, the gift of Scripture will nurture the seeds of faith in the hearts of children and their families. Mission Eurasia requests your consideration of a gift of any amount to fuel this life-saving distribution that will help introduce Jesus, the greatest gift of all, to suffering refugee children and their families.
On behalf of the hurting children who will be comforted — and perhaps survive because of your generosity — thank you for your consideration of this request and for your continued partnership in ministry with Mission Eurasia!

Sergey Rakhuba
Mission Eurasia
(615) 435-3720
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