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The Power of God’s love—Ukraine Update

The Power of God’s love—Ukraine Update

Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.
—1 John 4:7-8, ESV

Dear Friend,

I am truly grateful for your ongoing prayers and support as our teams share help and hope with evacuees at our refugee assistance centers in Moldova and Poland and brave the roads to deliver aid to Ukrainians in towns and cities where water and food are scarce or nonexistent.

Please pray with us for the people of Mariupol. The city has been bombed and cut off from all the supplies for two months. Tens of thousands of people are estimated to have died there from the constant bombs and missile strikes. President Putin has claimed the city to be “liberated,” but there are still hundreds of Ukrainian fighters and civilians struggling to survive inside the big steel plant complex, and the Ukrainian defenders refuse to surrender. Please pray for God’s intervention in this dire situation.

Please pray for the safety of our staff and volunteers because Russian troops are shooting volunteers who try to enter occupied territories to deliver food and aid.

And please continue to pray that God will use these terrible, tragic days to draw the unreached to Him. Each day we see and hear of people who hunger to hear about Jesus in the face of so much horror, and each day we see how the compassion we share with everyone we meet is opening hearts to hear the Good News, planting the seeds of faith where there was none . . .

The Power of God’s love—Ukraine Update

One of our partners at a church in the Zhytomyr district who helps distribute iCare food packages to refugees in the town, shared a wonderful story of refugees from Kharkiv whom he met recently:

"Many refugees come to ask us for help. Many of them have children. Some people have lost their homes, some have lost their jobs, some are in deep depression and have reached rock bottom. Three families came together from Kharkiv. They shared with us that they were pretty well off before the war—nice homes, jobs, cars, and everything needed for comfortable lives.

“But then in one day they lost everything they had worked so hard for. They had never had to ask anyone for anything, and it was obvious they had a hard time asking us for food. But they didn’t simply ask for it, they offered their help, too, saying ‘We can sweep the floors here, split wood, or clean the area around the church. Would you please give us some jobs to do? We can’t just take the food and walk away!’

“We told them about people like you who provide finances, food, and other relief aid so that they can feel God’s love and His care for them. That is how they started learning about grace—by experiencing it in their lives. They still wanted to serve, so now we have wonderful helpers!”

This is how the power of God’s love is touching hearts every day during a time of great need. We are being asked about Jesus and are sharing the hope of the gospel constantly. We are comforting people who are shattered by death and violence, sharing the hope found in God’s promises. We are sharing our testimonies and Scripture with the unreached so they can receive eternal life.

Everyone we meet is being touched by God’s love. Thank you for standing with us through it all.

And thank you for forwarding this email to your praying friends, asking them to join Mission Eurasia during these dark days for Ukraine.

Gratefully in Him,

Sergey Rakhuba

Sergey Rakhuba

Ukraine Needs Help

Go to our Caring Hands-Ukraine Program page to get the latest reports from the Mission Eurasia team on the ground.