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Thank you for standing with Ukraine at this difficult time.

Ukraine Refugee AssistanceThank you for standing with Ukraine at this difficult time. We often hear from so many people how grateful they are for all the support and prayers. Many times it's comforting for them to simply know that they are not alone, that someone cares, that someone is thinking of them, doing something for them, and praying for them.
Ukraine Refugee AssistanceWhile the war keeps taking lives, crushing hopes and dreams, destroying homes and possessions, displacing people, and posing new challenges for so many Ukrainians, we hear beautiful inspiring stories like this one below. Denis Gorenkov shared this story from Ukraine:
“Village N is a small village in the south of Ukraine. It was under Russian occupation for a month. The Russians killed all [the villagers'] animals, including cattle, sheep, and poultry that local farmers were raising. Their army authorities didn’t provide for them, so they survived on people’s livestock.
When the Ukrainian army came, the Russians departed, leaving the people of the village on the brink of starvation. There was no church in the village, but the pastor of a neighboring village contacted our volunteers and asked for the Caring Hands food packages for them.Ukraine Refugee Assistance
The team of volunteers from Odesa started coming to the village every week, bringing food packages and hygiene items. The team also held a summer camp for the village children. Alyona, a young, energetic local woman, set up a great system for food distribution and support of the people.
Ukraine Refugee AssistanceEvery time the volunteers came, they talked to people, shared the gospel with them, prayed for them, and visited them in their homes. In a very short time, our team was received as the dearest loved ones.
And just recently, we realized there were a number of people in the village who wanted to pray, study the Word, and discuss spiritual matters on a regular basis. The Lord is building a church there right in front of our eyes! The humanitarian aid, genuine care of Christian volunteers, and summer camp brought many people (some of them are whole families!) closer to God and united them in prayer.
Yevheniy, one of the volunteers and church planters, shares, “God is building His church out of frightened, impoverished, and embittered people before our eyes. They now pray, have joy, hope has returned to them, and they take care of each other with love and faith.”
Please pray for these people and rejoice with me about the birth of this new Christian community!”

Ukraine Needs Help

Go to our Caring Hands-Ukraine Program page to get the latest reports from the Mission Eurasia team on the ground.