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Mission Eurasia on CBN: “Reaching the Unreached in Mongolia”

Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) reporter George Thomas, a longtime friend of Mission Eurasia, traveled to rural Mongolia last summer to participate in our evangelistic summer Bible camps for unreached children, alongside our School Without Walls (SWW) students and Mission Eurasia Field Ministries leaders. He shared his experience witnessing Mission Eurasia’s ministry to children and families hungry for the Good News of Jesus in one of Eurasia’s most difficult-to-reach regions.

“Sometimes we think that people around the world know about Jesus, but there are places like this that haven’t been touched by the gospel and that’s why we are here, changing one life at a time.”

Read the CBN feature story about George Thomas’ exciting adventure with Mission Eurasia in Mongolia and hear transformational stories of young lives changed forever by their encounter with the Good News shared by our SWW students: