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Hope for a New Reformation: Sergey Rakhuba in Decision Magazine

Decision Magazine, published by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, shared an article written by our president Sergey Rakhuba in their June 2018 issue titled "Hope for a New Reformation." In this article, Sergey shares his first-hand account of witnessing the fall of the Soviet Union and the spiritual vacuum that it left across Eurasia--which has turned into a growing spiritual revival today as thousands of young leaders, trained and equipped by Mission Eurasia and local church communities, are influencing society and transforming their nations with the hope of Christ. On the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, we are witnessing a new reformation in the post-Soviet countries as "these young leaders firmly seize the baton of evangelism and, with a new breath of air, are overcoming modern challenges to bring the transformative power of the Gospel to their countries."

Read the entire inspiring article by clicking the image below: