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Caring Hands outreach launched amid Orthodox Easter holiday, 35th anniversary of Chernobyl disaster

family with food package
This week churches throughout the former Soviet Union are preparing to celebrate Orthodox Easter, May 2. Over the holiday weekend, and in the following weeks, Mission Eurasia’s Next Generation leaders and partner churches are planning to distribute 10,000 essential food baskets and Scripture resources among the most needy communities and refugee families.

“It truly is a time of rejoicing in the resurrection of our Lord,” said Sergey Rakhuba, Mission Eurasia president, who also noted that it’s the week of the 35th anniversary of the horrific Chernobyl nuclear disaster that devastated millions of lives in Eurasia.

Through Mission Eurasia’s Caring Hands program, he noted, “we have assisted those impacted by Chernobyl and other disasters with food, wheelchairs, medical relief, and ministry resources as we stand in the gap between the church and hurting communities. When people see the love of Jesus in action, through the generosity of God’s people, it has an eternal impact on their lives.”

‘I Care’ outreach brings hope He added, “While [the 35th anniversary of Chernobyl] is a reminder of the tragedies and turmoil in life, we also rest in the confidence that we serve a Savior who breathes life into death and victory into the ashes of disaster,” said Rakhuba, referencing 1 Corinthians 15:55-57. “The simple message of Jesus Christ brings hope.”

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