Because He first loved us — Ukraine Update

We love because he first loved us.
—1 John 4:19, ESV
Dear Friend,
I continue to be amazed at the outpouring of compassion I see from you—your generous support and fervent prayers.
And I am inspired by the way your support is fueling our staff, volunteers, and partners as, together, we are reaching refugees and people throughout Ukraine who are suffering and afraid, hungry and homeless.
This outpouring of love is what Christ would have us do. It’s selfless, genuine, and limitless.
And the response we receive from shattered people who find it almost impossible to believe that complete strangers wish to help them with food, shelter, prayer, and other needs is filled with gratitude and emotion . . .
Like Alina who found help through our church partner in Zhytomyr:
“I would like to thank the Spring of Life Church, Zhytomyr, for the support and aid they provided for us. My mom and I came to Zhytomyr on March 6 from Bucha. I know for sure, that if we hadn’t left, we’d end up where many of the people we knew did. Our house wasn’t destroyed but we still don’t have water, electricity, or gas. The building of the company I worked for was destroyed. We can’t go back home yet, so we have to stay here. The support of your church has eased our pain. Thank you so very much yet again for all the food, things, and spiritual support.”
And we received this note of gratitude from Lyuba whose family fled Irpin:
“Our family lost everything. In one moment you realize that everything that you had, everything you had worked so hard for so that your children could live better was completely destroyed. Then three days later, we found out that our family business was completely demolished. We are grateful to Spring of Hope Church. They gave us food, mattresses, hygiene items, etc. My short account falls very short from describing all the pain, fear, horror that my family went through.”
Multiply these broken hearts by tens of thousands to grasp the suffering, but also factor in the hope that has been instilled through our outreach by tens of thousands. Multiply the hearts that have been opened to hear the Good News because of the food, Scripture, and kindness you are helping to share each day through the Mission Eurasia team. Be comforted that God is using this terrible time to open hearts to Him.
May God bless you for sharing the love of Christ with the people of Ukraine.
In Him,
Sergey Rakhuba