The Impact of Short-Term Mission Trips: Spreading Hope and Faith in Eurasia
Life-Changing Experiences A Volunteer's Story from Moldova

"And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."
Colossians 3:17 (ESV)
Short-term mission trips have the power to transform lives, not only for those being served but also for the volunteers who answer the call to go. At Mission Eurasia, we have witnessed countless testimonies of how these trips have deepened faith, softened hearts, and changed perspectives. Today, we share with you the story of one volunteer who experienced God's hand at work during her mission trip to Moldova.

The Impact of a Single Word: Unreal
In a recent letter, the volunteer described her mission trip experience with one powerful word: unreal. "Throughout the week, you could almost physically see the hand of God over the ministry in Moldova," she wrote. The volunteer expressed gratitude for the generous support that made her participation in this life-changing trip possible.
Reaching Out to Young Hearts
During the mission trip, the team conducted day camps for children, providing a safe and nurturing environment amidst the challenges they faced. The camps offered crafts, sports, Bible lessons, games, and prizes, allowing the children to momentarily forget their difficult circumstances. By the end of the week, approximately 300 children were reached with the gospel message, and over half of them received Bibles. The volunteers were encouraged by the children's thoughtful questions about faith, planting seeds that we pray will take root in their hearts.
A Personal Encounter: Katya's Journey
One particular interaction left a lasting impact on the volunteer. She met a 5-year-old Ukrainian refugee named Katya, who, like many other children, struggled with separation anxiety from her mother. As the volunteer comforted Katya and engaged her in conversation, she learned that Katya had lost her father. "At that moment, my heart broke for her, and made me come back to the harsh realities of the war in Ukraine," the volunteer shared. Yet, in that moment, the volunteer also recognized the hope found in a heavenly Father who will never abandon her.
Yearning for God's Word
The mission team distributed Ukrainian language Bibles to the children at the end of each day camp. The response was overwhelming, with children eagerly accepting the Bibles and even requesting additional copies to share with friends. Surprisingly, the children's mothers and grandmothers also asked for Bibles to read themselves. "It was marvelous to see so many people willing to approach God's Word with open arms, in its simplest, most pure form," the volunteer remarked.

Reaching Out: The Impact of Church Without Walls
The local church partner, Church Without Walls, left a profound impression on the volunteer and her team. This church embodies its name by actively bringing the church to the people, serving refugees, distributing iCare boxes, hosting youth gatherings, and more. "This church has a very selfless, Christ-centered community, rooted solely in the gospel and Jesus' calling for us to be salt and light to this world," the volunteer observed. Their welcoming spirit and tireless service were an inspiration to the mission team.

A Team United in Mission
The volunteer also expressed gratitude for her fellow team members, who demonstrated diligence, flexibility, and generous hearts throughout the trip. Despite the challenges of serving in a different country, the team worked seamlessly together, willing to do whatever was asked of them. Their unity and dedication to serving Christ were a blessing to witness.

Lives Changed: A Journey of Transformation
In conclusion, the volunteer shared how the mission trip changed her view on life, softened her heart, and deepened her faith. She acknowledged that this transformative experience would not have been possible without the support and prayers of those who gave generously. The volunteer ended her letter with a heartfelt thank you, recognizing the opportunity she had to represent Christ through this short-term mission trip.
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